Naming the emotion you experience every time is not easy and the first step to dealing with them is to be able to recognize them.
After all, dealing with emotions effectively is a key leadership skill that gives you security and self-confidence. Although many try to identify exactly what they are feeling, often the most obvious description is not actually the most accurate.
It's definitely harder than you think because you're initially trained to believe that you have to suppress strong emotions. There are also many unspoken social and cultural rules about the manner and extent of their expression.
Is there a common language that describes emotions?
Is it really anxiety and anger that express you, or are they two superficial labels for deeper feelings that you could describe with other nuances, in more precise ways, so that you develop greater levels of emotional agility?
This richness of your emotional palette gives you the critical ability to interact more successfully with yourself and the world around you.
It has been shown that when people do not recognize and deal with their emotions, they show lower well-being and more physical symptoms of stress, such as headaches, therefore there is a great psycho-physical cost, avoiding the expression of emotions.
The right words are very important to describe exactly what you feel, once you can recognize it. You may even be surprised at the range of emotions you can discover, even reaching a deeper emotion, somewhere buried beneath the most obvious.
Think about the intensity of the emotion you are experiencing and try to place it on a scale from 1-10. You may realize that it is not as big as you first thought and with your self-evaluation, you may realize that it is one thing to be angry or just grumpy or even just frustrated, another to be excited and another to be happy.
How deeply do you feel your emotion? How urgent is it or how powerful? This will make you choose a different set of words to describe it.
If you finally try to write them down, especially when you are in an emotionally charged situation, you will realize that the process of writing will allow you to gain a new perspective on your feelings and understand them more clearly. By using phrases like ``I learned,'' ``I was impressed,'' ``Why,'' ``Now I realize,'' and ``I understand,'' there comes a redemption and a relief, which together promotes a remarkable growth. to your physical and mental well-being, over time.
"Happiness is the certainty that you are not lost"
Jorge Bucay
